Bee clay (Propolis) is a bee product that bees create from resins and wax to which they add bee pollen and enzymes. Beekeepers, in turn, get a pungent clay, through special bowl collectors, you can read more about the subject here: How do we get beeswax (Propolis) ? Beeswax finds many applications, but the most popular is tincture. There are several ways to make a clay extract, but the most successful and lasting one is alcohol.
The recipe is simple, 30% of the extract is needed 30g. beeswax, which is poured with 100ml of 95% alcohol. The cake must be pre-frozen and crushed into small pieces. Ideally, bees’ clay is thawed by grinding. The mixture is sealed tightly in a glass vessel and stays for about one week and is shaken from time to time. It is then filtered through filter paper, multilayer gauze, and the like. and the dry part is removed. The finished tincture is stored at room temperature for unlimited time.

The beekeeping 30% tincture is available to customers in an undiluted form. Because of the high concentration of alcohol, the tincture must be diluted in water before each use. 95% of alcohol may cause burns on the skin, mucous membranes, and the esophagus, and special care should be taken when using such a tincture. In this form, the 30% cleansing tincture is the starting material for making the other forms, such as a water-alcohol emulsion of propolis, concentrates, propolises, and the like.
The most common questions and causes of confusion when it comes to cleft tincture are:
Why is the tincture in the pharmacy pale and watery, and the bee tincture is dark and so full?
Beekeeping clay tincture contains only clay in alcohol. In the pharmacy network, similar alcoholic tincture is available but is highly diluted with water. Due to the risk of burns to users who have not read the package leaflet and do not know that it should be diluted before use in water, it is available in diluted form to completely eliminate this risk. Tincture in the pharmacy network is available in the form of a water-alcohol propolis emulsion that is a tincture pre-diluted with water 1: 5, 1:10 or 1: 100 to reduce the alcohol concentration to negligible completely harmless amounts.
Why is the bee tincture not pre-diluted in water so that the risk of burning is dropped?
In all sources of clay and clay tincture, particular attention has been paid to the activity of the ingredients of clay put in water. Diluted bowl of tallow with water has a long-term shelf life, but active ingredients decompose to a great extent within 7-14 days. For this, the best solution is that the dilution occurs immediately before use when the gum contains its full arsenal of ingredients.
Why does the bee-keeping tincture make the cup in which it is diluted?
Bee bleach at room temperature is highly sticky and dirt from touching it is difficult to clean. The content of clay in the few drops of tincture that you drop into a glass of water is large enough to stick to the walls of the glass and stain it. This is a reliable indicator that the tincture is quality and concentrated enough.

Why does the bee tincture have a sediment at the bottom?
Beekeepers strain tincture through filter paper, which takes a large amount of fine fractions of clay. For more precise filtering, special expensive equipment is required, which is most often available in phar- maceutical laboratories with which beekeepers do not have. The sediment is absolutely harmless and can be classified as noble.
Why, after dividing the bee tincture money and pinch?
It is important to dilute the tincture properly. Even diluted, the alcohol content may remain dangerously high if the correct proportion is not met. The safest option is to drop a minimum of 50-100ml of water, milk or non-teaspoon of 20-30 drops of tincture. There is no problem with the content of the liquid in which you drop to be even larger.
The Bees of Bee Farm “Paradise” deliver a good quality clays from which we produce the clamshell tincture by the above mentioned method. We offer two packs of 25ml tincture. and a tincture of 50ml . as well as natural beeswax in case you want to make a tincture yourself.